Pertti Tapani Kukkonen
1959: Master`s degree
of Political Science (statistics and economics) at the University of Helsinki.
Mathematician at the Post and Telegraph Administration in Helsinki
1960: Research fellow,
Bank of Finland Institute for Economic Research
Kukkonen P: "Seasonal
Fluctuations in Industrial Production in Finland", Bank of Finland Monthly
Bulletin, 1961:8.
Kukkonen P: "On the
Measurement of Seasonal Variations", Bank of Finland Institute for Economic Research,
Series D:1, 1963.
Kukkonen P:
"Säsongrensning och analys av månadsserier", Nordisk Statistisk Skriftserie Nr
12, 1964.
1968: PhD in
statistics at the University of Helsinki: "Analysis of seasonal
and other short-term variations with applications to Finnish economic time
series", Bank of Finland Institute for Economic Research, Series B:28.
1968-1969: A Fullbright Research Fellow at the University of California,
1970: Director of the Bank
of Finland Institute for Economic Research.
1970: Initiated and
directed the studies on BOF-econometric models for the Finnish economy (BOF
refers to Bank of Finland). BOF1 -model was the Finnish contribution to the international
LINK -model of the world economy.
Kukkonen P et al. "A Quarterly Model of the
Finnish Economy", Bank of Finland D:29, 1972.
1971-1982: Participated
in the annual meetings of the LINK -project in several countries.
1972: Director of ADP
-planning, Bank of Finland.
Kukkonen P: "Features
of the Finnish Monetary Relationships", Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift 1973:2.
Kukkonen P: "The Transmission
of Monetary Policy through Credit Rationing: The Case of Finland", Conference
on the Monetary Mechanism in Open Economies, Haikko, Finland, 1975.
Kukkonen P et al:
"Bank of Finland Quarterly Model", in Waelbroeck J L (ed.) The Models of
Project LINK, North-Holland, 1976.
Kukkonen P:
"Forecasting the Effects of Economic Policies with a Macromodel", NordDATA 77
conference documentation, Copenhagen, 1977.
Kukkonen P et al: "BOF2 -mallin rakenne ja
kokemuksia mallin käytöstä", Taloustieteellisen seuran vuosikirja, 1977.
1980: Section Chairman
of Government Committee on Technological Change.
Kukkonen P: "Teknologisen kehityksen ja automaation
taloudelliset vaikutukset", PTT -Katsaus 1/1980.
1982: Managing
Director of the Pellervo Economic Research Institute (PTT).
Kukkonen P: "Miten voidaan turvata Suomen
talouspolitiikan riittävä itsenäisyys", PTT -Katsaus 2/1984.
Lybeck J P, Kukkonen P
et al. "A Comparison of the Dynamic Properties of Five Nordic Macroeconomic
Models". The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1984:1.
Kukkonen P: "Kansainvälinen raha- ja
valuuttajärjestelmä ja Suomen rahoitusmarkkinat", Kansantaloudellinen
aikakauskirja 1:1986.
Kukkonen P: "Puheenvuoro", Kansantaloudellinen
aikakauskirja 4:1988.
Kukkonen P: "Kansantalouden rakenteen
vinoutumia on korjattava", Kansantaloudellinen
aikakauskirja 4:1991.
1991: Professor
Kukkonen P: "Comments
on Lawrence R. Klein": Use of Mainstream Macroeconometric Models for Policy
Formation, in Macroeconomic Modelling and Policy Implications, ed. by
S. Honkapohja and M.
Ingberg, North-Holland 1993.
1997 Retirement.
Kukkonen P: "Rahapolitiikka ja Suomen kriisi",
Pellervon taloudellisen tutkimuslaitoksen julkaisuja No. 16, 1997.
Kukkonen P: "Analys av Finlands Ekonomiska
Kris", Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift,
Kukkonen P: "Onko laman opetukset -teoksen
jälkiviisaus perusteltua?", Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja 1/2002.
Kukkonen P: "Aktiivinen kohdevenyttely"
1.painos,, 2011, 2.painos 2011, 3.laajennettu painos 2013,
4.laajennettu painos 2014.
Kukkonen P: "Alkemian loppu: Otteita Mervyn
Kingin teoksesta", Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja 3/2016.
My hobby is running, which got a new start in 1969 when doing
research in Berkeley, California. When returning back to Finland, my research
team started running twice a week. In 1978 I was invited to join Sports Club
Pumppu, where professors of e.g. physics and medicine and directors of firms
were jogging and having discussions on social and political problems. During
recent 10 years I have been leading AIS stretching exercises for this club.
In 2002 low back pain
and sciatica made my running impossible. I was lucky to find AIS -stretches to
heal the symptoms, and I was surprised that the stretches were doing it so
fast, in a week or two. Since that, my research interest has been focused on
active isolated stretching and the scientific basis of it. I also added AIS
-stretches to my daily running before exercise and after exercise, and found how
it transformed me from an average runner to a competitive athlete. I was able to win
European championship in marathon and a dozen national championships.
I am author of a book, published in 2011 on AIS (in Finnish). A lot of
information on AIS has been collected on these internet pages. I am also author of 18
articles on AIS in sports journals. In 2010-2020 I have been reading and
studying sports medicine books and articles in order to understand the theory
behind static, cyclic and PNF-stretching.